Erie's Top-tier Interior Detailing
Surface level Inteior
TurnAround 3 to 6 hours
Cars $125 Mid-SIzed $150 Over-Sized $175
Our Interior package includes a vacuum and blow out to get the dirt out from all the crevices, Then a deep clean of surfaces and applied with Uv protection, lastly glass cleaned
Cars $225 Mid-Size $250 Oversized $300
Our top Level Interior Consists of Shampooing the carpets and cloth sats. With also an Steaming of the whole car
Add-Ons Interior
Variable price
Steaming, Extractor, and chemicals used to remove Stains
Depending on what the stain is and how long its been there will determine stain removal effectiveness.
Have a smell you cant get rid off? this is the best thing you can do. with an ozone machine and cleaning we can make you car smell new again.
$50 starting
Want all the services of your car disinfected with steam? This is the one for you steam will removal all the sticky and nasty things in your car while also killing bacteria.
Starting at 40$